Clairvoyance – 1:1

The purpose of the education

This education is addressing the person who wants to use the intuitive, sensitive and clairvoyant side more into everyday life.

It´s an education in personal development in all levels.

To strengthen your personal and professional skills – this both in business and in private life.

Ambitions and visions to work in flow, reduce stress levels, free up resources for family and others.

You have a holistic view and are interested in spiritual science.

To develop your awareness, intuition, the centering, your mental abilities in your personal development.

To get academic knowledge.

Each 1:1 education is planned individually.

Certification of the education can be given, if desired.

You are..

You are either self-employed, a leader, have a trusting profession or another business relation. You wish to intensify your personal competences on all levels. You´re ready for a spiritual development, which will include all parts of your life, developing it to a more holistic view. Through individual dialogs and work with your teacher.

Requirements from you

You have an open mind,  courage to keep going, ready to be hard working, daily meditations, which are adapted for your daily life. You need to be structured, disciplined and flexible in achieving the goals set up for you. Active in using LinkedIn and interested in other social platforms, have a stabil internet, which is used for education purposes.

Education can be placed both days, evenings or weekends, as suited for you. Typical 2-4 hours each time.

Subjects will be needed by appointment.

Academic content

Intuitive communication (clairvoyance). Classic clairvoyance, online clairvoyance, written clairvoyance.

Provide knowledge, ethical aspects, fall groups, supervision, the structure of the aura, the functions and the significance of the chakras and the structure and function of the spiritual world, daily meditation with personal self-hypnosis, literature reading and videos which are relevant.

Numbers of subjects: 50 persons.
The first 25 subjects are basic and the last 25 subjects are specialized in your area.

Numbers of teaching/ supervision hours: 100 hours

Estimated time of education: 7 – 9 months

Language: Danish and English

Teaching method: – By attendance and online teaching or online teaching.

Price: 42.200

Expectation agreement and interview by appointment (online).

Read more about the teacher Erlinng Chriistensen on website.

Frequently asked questions about Clairvoyance education

A clairvoyance education is a personal development program where you learn a range of professional skills that can be applied in many different professions and educations. It requires you to have an open mind, as well as a view of humanity that believes in life after death and the existence of the spiritual world.

The clairvoyance training is structured with a mix of physical and online meetings and is held in North Jutland and Copenhagen, or as per agreement.

The clairvoyance education consists of 300 teaching hours. The foundation course (Module 1) typically lasts 12 months. After that, you have the option to take the advanced course (Module 2), which takes 6-8 months. So, in total, this education takes between 18-20 months to complete.

You also have the option to take the education as a 1:1 training, which is standardized to 100 teaching hours. Here, everything is planned individually and the education is tailored to you. A 1:1 Clairvoyance education typically lasts 9 months. You can read more about the 1:1 education here..

Yes, everyone has clairvoyant abilities – the question is how they wish to use them.

The answer is, we all have the talent to work with Clairvoyance, but whether it interests you is another matter.

It is an open question, as it depends on how you define spiritual.

That you are open to the spiritual world, grounded, that you should not expect to understand everything mentally, ready to challenge your attitudes and view of humanity, believe in life after death, ready to change your life in a positive direction, and use your intuition more.

Yes, there is a difference, but they are connected. Clairvoyance you use in relation to other people. Intuition you use in relation to yourself.

It is an intense professional and personal development program, where you have the opportunity to clear up many internal blockages, traumas, stress, etc., that you may have.

Choose a teacher whom you respect, who is competent and professionally skilled. Possibly get a free expectation conversation, participate in lectures, workshops, training circles, and talk with former students from the education.

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